Being website developing company Dot Web Technologies is offering further and advanced content management system development and customization services for high quality websites. We work on advancement but simply little experience with Microsoft word can manage the website very easily through which editing is also possible in normal web browser. Want to maintain a blog, then a Content Management Sytem is a likely a great option for you.
We have played with many CMS available both free, open-source and paid. One of the primary reasons we like WordPress is because of it's huge community which improves the core functionality very quickly. They also provide a large plugin directory which extends the possibilities of WordPress with features like calendar systems, advanced contact forms and so much more.
Also important is the ease-of-use in the administration area for our clients. We don't want to hand over a website for you to maintain that requires a degree in Computer Science or even much training at all. Many of our clients don't require any help from us to learn how to manage their website content with WordPress.